Tutti i video con tag Grafica (movimENTI CULTURALI) - movimENTI CULTURALI 2024-07-26T23:35:00Z http://movimenti.ning.com/video/video/listTagged?tag=Grafica&rss=yes&xn_auth=no ASG (Automatic Soundscape Generation) Presentation tag:movimenti.ning.com,2012-06-30:2544126:Video:60712 2012-06-30T09:31:17.314Z Maurizio Caminito http://movimenti.ning.com/profile/Maurizio <a href="http://movimenti.ning.com/video/asg-automatic-soundscape-generation-presentation"><br /> <img alt="Anteprima" height="135" src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1943169480?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=135" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>In the specific case of an urban application, the ASG software aims to change the perception of the disturbance of a polluted city-soundscape through the generation of counter soundscapes
that are musically oriented: designing an artificial sound oasis to mitigate and redevelop areas that are strongly congested by the city’s mechanical and media noise. The A.S.… <a href="http://movimenti.ning.com/video/asg-automatic-soundscape-generation-presentation"><br /> <img src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1943169480?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Anteprima" /><br /> </a><br />In the specific case of an urban application, the ASG software aims to change the perception of the disturbance of a polluted city-soundscape through the generation of counter soundscapes
that are musically oriented: designing an artificial sound oasis to mitigate and redevelop areas that are strongly congested by the city’s mechanical and media noise. The A.S. noise masking approach has been developed with prestigious scientific partners such as CNR (Italian National Research Center).