Archivi, biblioteche, libri e musei. Attività e progetti di innovazione

Dichiarazioni e discorsi all'80mo Congresso IFLA di LIone

Opening Address of IFLA President Sinikka Sipilä

80th IFLA World Library and Information Congress

(16-22 August 2014, Lyon, France)

Declaration launched at the World Library and Information Congress in Lyon, France signed by more than 125 organisations aims to positively influence the United Nations post-2015 development agenda.

Bernard Stiegler: Keynote at August 17th  Opening Session.

Bernard Stiegler is one of the leading French philosophers of our generation. He develops the work of Jacques Derrida, Gilbert Simondon and Andre Leroi-Gourhan in a wide-ranging analysis of our relationship with technology. Stiegler established himself in France in 1994 with the publication of the first volume of La Technique et Le Temps (‘Technics and Time’).

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